Maps and Media for Season 1 Episode 17
The Ottoman Balkans - "Turkey In Europe" (1870)
Political Status of Ottoman Territories Before Congress of Berlin (As of 1870)
Ottoman Provinces Under Direct Ottoman Control
Bulgaria | Macedonia | Albania | Bosnia | Herzegovina
Autonomous Principalities Under Ottoman Suzerainty
Serbia | Montenegro | Wallachia & Moldavia (Danubian Principalities/Romania)
Independent Former Ottoman Provinces
The Balkans (1878)
Political Status of Ottoman Territories After Congress of Berlin (As of 1878)
Ottoman Provinces Under Direct Ottoman Control (Purple)
Macedonia | Albania | Thrace
Autonomous Regions Under Ottoman Suzerainty
Eastern Rumelia | Bulgaria (Principality under Russian Domination) |
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Province under Austrian Domination)
Independent Former Ottoman Provinces
Greece| Serbia | Montenegro | Romania
Bulgaria Under Treaty of San Stefano (Red Lines) (March 1878)
Principality of Bulgaria | Eastern Rumelia | Macedonia
Settlement After Congress of Berlin (July 1878)
Principality of Bulgaria (Autonomous Under Ottoman Suzerainty and Russian Domination) (Red)
Eastern Rumelia (Autonomous Ottoman Province) (Orange/Red)
Macedonia (Under Direct Ottoman Control) (White/Red)
The Liberation of Bulgaria and March to Constantinople
The Siege of Pleven (July - December 1877)
Russian Army Crosses the Danube Into Ottoman Bulgaria With Help of Romanian Navy
The Congress of Berlin
Bulgaria After Treaty of San Stefano Bulgaria After Treaty of Berlin